Arbitrator, Mediator and Neutral Resolver of construction, engineering, infrastructure, energy, contracting and commercial disputes and claims arising in the United States and globally.
• Director of the JAMS Global Engineering and Construction Panel of Neutrals; Member of JAMS International Panel of Neutrals
• Founding Fellow and past President of The American College of Construction Lawyers
• Honourary Fellow of The Canadian College of Construction Lawyers
• Fellow of the International Academy of Construction Lawyers
• Fellow of the College of Commercial Arbitrators
• Life Fellow of the American Bar Foundation
• Chartered Arbitrator and Fellow of The Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (London)
• Certified Mediator of the International Mediation Institute (The Hague)
• Member of the International Chamber of Commerce, U.S. Nat’l Arbitration and ADR Committee
• Arbitrator Member of Britain’s Society of Construction Arbitrators (London)
• Member of the London Court of International Arbitration (London)
• Board Member of The International Construction Law Association
• Co-author of Bruner & O’Connor on Construction Law (2002, supplemented annually), the 12 volume, 11,000 page legal treatise regarded as the most authoritative ever written on American law governing the field of construction.
The obligation of the legal profession is, or has long been thought to be, to serve as healers of human conflicts. To fulfill that traditional obligation means that there should be mechanisms that can produce an acceptable result in the shortest possible time, with the least possible expense and with a minimum of stress on the participants. That is what justice is all about…..
My overview of the work of the courts from a dozen years on the Court of Appeals [U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit] and now 16 in my present position [Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court], added to 20 years of private practice, has given me some new perspectives….
One thing an appellate judge learns very quickly is that a large part of all the litigation in the courts is an exercise in futility and frustration. A large proportion of civil disputes in the courts could be disposed of more satisfactorily in some other way….
Warren E. Burger
Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court,
Using Arbitration To Achieve Justice, 40 Arb. J. 3 (1985).